Retraction of flawed MPA study implicates larger problems in MPA science
A recent retraction in a high-profile journal raises questions about predicting the impacts of marine protected areas.
A recent retraction in a high-profile journal raises questions about predicting the impacts of marine protected areas.
Dr. Ray Hilborn comments on anti-science extremism and explains the role the fishing industry plays in funding science.
The new Netflix Original film, Seaspiracy, makes some bold claims. We dive into the science and correct several bits of misinformation.
Ray Hilborn comments on the Netflix Original film, Seaspiracy. Dr. Hilborn is a world-renowned fishery scientist and sustainability expert.
Plant-based meat is all the rage, but it needs a critical review if it is going to realize the benefits touted by its brands.
How does fishery science go from hard data to misconstrued, clickbait headlines? The spread of misinformation is troubling.
There has been a lot of misleading press concerning the sustainability status of tuna. Dr. Maite Pons, an expert in tuna fisheries explains what is really going on.
A paper retracted last year has been republished with the exact same results and a companion critique. We explain the drama in this summary.
A paper claiming that a large portion of American-caught pollack, salmon, and crab are caught illegally was finally retracted after a year-long dispute by NOAA, industry, and outside scientists.
David Kroodsma responds to our latest post on the global footprint of fisheries.
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