The state of UK stocks is better than Oceana’s depiction
Scientists are frustrated with Oceana’s latest report on UK stocks.
Scientists are frustrated with Oceana’s latest report on UK stocks.
How does fishery science go from hard data to misconstrued, clickbait headlines? The spread of misinformation is troubling.
New research connects sustainability implications to seafood fraud. This the first empirical study of its kind.
Oceana’s latest seafood fraud report takes aim at reforming SIMP, however the science behind their advocacy is misleading, once again.
Oceana overestimates the rate of mislabeled seafood in the U.S. In this post we consider a true rate of seafood mislabeling in the U.S.
Dr. Kimberly Warner, a senior scientist at Oceana, responds to previous criticism of Oceana’s Seafood Fraud campaign.
Oceana’s seafood fraud campaign is based on poor science that misleads the public, stokes consumer fear, and hurts fishermen, mongers, and chefs.
Fishery management goals are to keep stakeholders happy and ensure triple bottom line success. With new protections off the coast of California, the PFMC hit a home a run: fishermen & women get to catch more rockfish on sandy bottoms and coral and sponges are protected for the future.
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