Impactos de la pesca de peces de forrajeo sobre los peces que se alimentan de ellos
¿Cómo afecta la pesca de peces forrajeros a sus depredadores? Una nueva investigación ofrece algunas respuestas.
¿Cómo afecta la pesca de peces forrajeros a sus depredadores? Una nueva investigación ofrece algunas respuestas.
New research connects sustainability implications to seafood fraud. This the first empirical study of its kind.
New research suggests a swiss-cheese model for sustainable fishery management, along with rebuilding plans.
Bottom trawling has destructive potential, but new research shows impacts can be limited with sound science and management.
A new paper describes how regulating specific kinds of fishing in particular areas is extremely effective at preserving biodiversity while also producing food.
In 2050, Earth will need a lot more food to feed 2 billion more people. A landmark study calculates how much the ocean can supply sustainably.
A new paper reports the most accurate statistics on seafood consumption in the U.S. The pandemic has changed things, however.
New research says we have the policy blueprints to rebuild marine life by 2050. Decarbonization needs to happen quickly, though.
A cornerstone paper assembling data from around the world shows that fish populations, representing half of seafood, are improving. Fishery management works.
New research shows strong evidence that eating seafood boosts IQ by an average of 7.7 points in children whose mothers ate seafood during pregnancy.
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